Cancellation for Non-Attendance / Non-Payment

Cancellation for Non-Attendance

  • Cancellation for Non-Attendance may occur when the University is unable to verify that a student is actively attending classes or has engaged in activity through Blackboard or Campus Connection nor have they shown their intention to attend through other means such as payments towards charges.
  • When Cancellation for Non-Attendance is processed, a student is cancelled from all courses in the current term they are enrolled in. This process will be completed by the term census date, which is approximately the 20th scheduled class day of the term.
  • Students who are cancelled for non-attendance will be cancelled in accordance with the SBHE Policy 830.2-Refunds Policy, where 75% of the tuition and fees will be refunded.
  • Verification of non-attendance is not performed during the summer term. Students that enroll but do not attend the summer term will not be cancelled for non-attendance.
  • Please note that there is no guarantee that a student will be cancelled for non-attendance; students are expected to adhere to proper drop and withdrawal procedures.

Cancellation for Non-Payment

  • NDSU reserves the right to cancel a student’s registration for a current or future term for non-payment of charges and fees. Students should not assume their registration will automatically be cancelled for non-payment.
  • Students should not assume their registration will automatically be cancelled if payment is not received by the published due date.
  • NDSU will alert the student via email prior to processing a cancellation for non-payment.
  • Students who are cancelled for non-payment will be cancelled in accordance with the SBHE Policy 830.2-Refunds Policy.
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